Thursday 27 April 2017

The essence of the electronic being

In the old days, the lyrics were written on paper. I do not know how to hold it, wrist hurts from this unbearably. We needed a plastic or metal device with colored fluid. The trunk was pressed against the sheet of paper and the fluid flowed out and moved in the right direction creating letters. To this day people are being tortured with this outdated invention in offices.

Earlier there were horses or mills. In the mill the water hits the wheel, causing it to move. Someone who invented it should get a Nobel Prize, because all the work was done by water. Not like when baking cakes when you have to beat the eggs by hand. 

To not beat in the dark, you could sit by candlelight or at an oil lamp. I do not know if anyone  by that time appreciated such a romantic atmosphere, but it certainly was disappearing immediately when the candles rolled over.

Fortunately, you do not need to do it too often now. Nowadays, all these things electrons make for us, and handmills are limited to giving commands to small particles by pressing the appropriate buttons. Electrons (which - as with Jesus - no one knows exactly what they look like and are everywhere, even in bed) are quite easy to pacify.

I will give you a brief overview of the life of such electrons that work for us. As you may have guessed from the introduction, their career paths may vary, although working conditions may be heavy. Electrons sign a contract at the power plant and it is unclear whether they know what they are up to. At the start of the service, the electrons are thrown into the narrow channel where they are so stiff that they can not stand mentally and they give  a strong kick everyone in front of them. Ultimately, the one who is at the outlet of the channel has no one to kick and the energy of his kick is flagitiously used to drive the drum of the washing machine.

If you think it's inhumane, think of those electrons rattled mercilessly by the thin tungsten wire in the bulb. This pain can only be compared to rubbing any part of the body with the concrete being pulled by the car. Maybe their fate has improved a little lately with other types of light sources, although the moral aspects of these solutions have not yet been analyzed. If you know anything more about it, write me!

Finally, let's go back to this unfortunate writing. You just look at the electrons trapped in tight cages. They sit there obediently inside the computer, for your enjoyment of writing letters. Wrist pain, shame on you!

What is an electron spin
and how does it behave
you will see HERE
while about magnonics
you can read HERE
As you can see, thPauli exclusion principle is just one problem of electrons from a whole range of mischiefs that they encounter. That is why many scientific groups, including the Nanomaterials Physics Division at the Adam Mickiewicz University, strive hard to improve the existence of electrons, to relieve them at least partially. One such idea is to shift some of the responsibility to the spins, which are even cheaper workforce... Honestly, I will say that I do not know if the world will be better thanks to that, but if not, then the signals of the oncoming catastrophe you can expect on this site.

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